Protect Your Power Masterclass & Guided Meditation

How strong is your spiritual hygiene? 

Do you cleanse, ground, protect and work on raising your energy? 

Do you feel tired, drained and not aligned?

Most of my work over the last few weeks has been learning beautiful souls energy from low vibe energies that are draining them and temporarily dimming their light and power. 

I have been a shamanic practitioner, reiki master and energy worker since 2003. 

Many people have been taught a cord cutting exercise to protect their boundaries, this has never resonated with me, I was given another technique in meditation that it feels like it is the right time to pass it on.

Learn to use oils on acc-points as a protective ally and hold space for those around you. 

It feels like some grounded light and guidance is needed right now.

£35.00 GBP