£370.00 GBP

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases


  1. These terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") govern the coaching sessions to be provided by I am Karen Jackson (hereinafter referred to as "Coach" or "we") to the client (hereinafter referred to as "Client" or "you") who agrees to make non-refundable payments for the coaching services.

2. Scope of Services

The Coach agrees to provide coaching sessions to the Client for a total of four sessions. These sessions will be conducted via zoom.

3. Payment Terms

3.1 Payment Schedule

The Client agrees to make four non-refundable payments, a month a part, these will be taken automatically. Payment schedule:

Payment 1: £371

Payment 2: £371due on the second month

Payment 3: £371 due on the third month

Payment 4: £371 due on the fourth month

Payment 5: £371 due on the fifth month

Payment 6: £371 due on the sixth month

3.2 Payment Method

The Client will agree to make the payments using the specified payment method determined by the Coach at the sales process. Via Stripe on monthly auto-payments

4. Cancellation and Rescheduling

4.1 Cancellation by Client

The Client acknowledges and agrees that the payments made for the coaching sessions are non-refundable. In the event that the Client cancels any coaching session(s) without providing a minimum of [specify notice period, e.g., 24 hours] prior notice to the Coach, the Client will not be entitled to reschedule the session(s) or receive a refund for the missed session(s).

4.2 Cancellation by Coach

In the unlikely event that the Coach needs to cancel or reschedule a coaching session, reasonable efforts will be made to provide advance notice to the Client. In such cases, the Coach will make every reasonable effort to reschedule the session at a mutually agreed-upon time.


The Coach acknowledges the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of the Client's personal information and any information shared during the coaching sessions. The Coach agrees not to disclose, share, or use any confidential information obtained during the coaching sessions, unless required by law or with the express written consent of the Client.

Limitation of Liability

The Client understands and agrees that coaching sessions are not a substitute for professional advice, counseling, therapy, or medical treatment. The Coach shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages or losses arising out of or in connection with the coaching sessions or the Client's reliance on the information provided.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [specify governing jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [specify jurisdiction].

Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Coach and the Client and supersedes any prior agreements, representations, or understandings, whether written or oral.

By clicking the tick box, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them.

I look forward to working with you

I am Karen Jackson

VIP the Shamanic Tarot - existing clients - PIF Founders

With this very special founders offer, (NOT INCLUDING THE VIP SESSIONS) you will receive:

  • The Shamanic Tarot Portal, which at full price will be £2,222

  •  12 months access to the community space and x 2 live zoom calls with me a month, valued at £1,188

  •  The Divine Soulpreneur Method £444

  •  Protect Your Power Masterclass £77

A Total of £3,931

You Pay £1,555 & Save £2,776


What 's included in this business and intuition changing course:

💎 Self-Paced course portal with 6 modules. You can find the full content details at the bottom of the page 

💎2 x Live zoom/community group Q & A's a month - you will get ongoing access to these, to help you stay supported as you develop and integrate. This is the difference between learning and embodying. You will get access to this for 12 months

💎 There will be a community space and potential to find practice partners, to support you.

💎 4 assessed case studies

💎 1 assessed video case study, so that you can be unapologetically confident as you finish the course. 


💎 Protect Your Power Masterclass, to cleanse and protect your energy worth £77

💎The Divine Soulpreneur Method 

  • introduce the connection how use - never be stuck again, never have a creative block 
  • Creating Your Offers & Product Suite
  • Creating Your Unique Magnetic Content 

Valued at £444

💎Ongoing Support in the community and zoom space, for 12 months. Valued at £99 each month, this is an incredible (maybe crazy offer on my part!)

With the VIP, in addition to the divine ceo portal, you will get 4 x 1-1 sessions with me and a free bonus reading