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As an entrepreneur, you will work on strategy, skillset & mindset, to begin & grow your business - BUT the missing ingredient that will take you even further is spending some time on your energetics


The inner energetic work is the missing part of Business School, especially for Soul-Led entrepreneurs.

This is why I created this bundle to support you in constantly evolving into the future version of yourself so that your business can keep growing past all the glass ceilings with more ease.

In this bundle you receive:- 


✨Quantum Leaping Masterclass:- Learn the shamanic theory of quantum leaping, how to use shamanic journeys to work with your future self and transmute the shadows so that you can collapse the different possible timelines in your business. You will also learn about the unseen impact that soul contacts, ancestral wounds may be having on your business growth.


Highest Self Guided Shamanic Activation: A guided shamanic journey to connect with your highest self, to elevate your energetics so that you and your business can continue to evolve. 


Just like my client Rachel experienced when I guided her through this process in an intensive 1-1 session. We channelled through her brand colours and activated the Goddess energy of her highest self. Because of this shamanic journey, Rachel left the session feeling like the Goddess that she is. She messaged me the next day to let me know how amazing and activated she felt, she was even standing taller. As a result of this higher self connection, she rebranded had an amazing higher self-vibe photoshoot and doubled her monthly income from $40-80k. With so many messages and love in the DM's commenting on her new branding. Her resonance had increased and she was magnetic to her soul clients.

✨Get your Highest Self Activation ✨

This journey is for you to return to whenever you hit an energetic or mindset obstacle, so that you can reset, refine and up-level your energetics. Or for regular use to keep your energetic vibration high.


Imagine always operating from your highest self in your business, not a past version of yourself, imagine how you would show up, the decisions that you would make differently in your business. 


The shamanic journey will guide you into this energy and deeper into your legacy. 


The space of operating from this version &  higher frequency, is the space of manifestation, synchronicities & abundance.


Your future self does not feel lack, scarcity & doubt. It does have trust, curiosity and expansive energy & takes brave aligned action.


When you work with the magic of your highest self, you will transform on an energetic level, and with the laws of resonance attract clients and opportunities aligned with this next level version of you. 

Your Investment & Lifetime Access


  • Quantum Leaping Masterclass, so that you can embody your inner energetics to move past the ceilings that you will hit as your evolve and grow your business.
  • Highest Self Guided Shamanic Activation: A guided shamanic journey to connect with your highest self, to elevate your energetics
  • BONUS: Audio teaching -  How soul contracts & ancestral lineage affect your business growth.
  • BONUS: Audio teaching - What is a shamanic journey.
  • BONUS: Energetic Hygiene - How to set up your space before a journey.
  • BONUS MASTERCLASS: Nervous system regulation, the quantum field and essential oils.
  • Bundle Specific Bonuses: as you continue to journey deeper into your energetics.
  • Your activations will be stored in a Kajabi portal, so that you can access in the app or your browser, to tap into whenever you need them.
Begin Your Journey

We create from the energy that we are vibrating at, the external world around you including your business, is a mirror of your internal soul level energetics.


I am an expert at mastering the innerscape, since having cancer twice in my 30’s I consciously chose to make energetic work my priority, so that I am always creatine operating from the future version of myself which enables me to quantum leap and pivot with ease in my business. 


I believe and invest in my skill set, and strategy, but as a Shamanic practitioner, teacher and entrepreneur of over 21 years, I choose daily to always lead myself from the internal, future version of myself, so that I don’t create from my wounded past versions.  


This internal work enables me to hold this frequency so that I can hold the energy for my 6 and 7 figure clients to keep evolving into the next iteration of their highest selves. So that they can keep moving through each glass ceiling that they come up against, so that they can leave the legacy that they are here to create through their business.

Purchase the Higher Self Activation