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Somethings in life are easier to describe, grab a drink and some headphones and have a listen to how I started doing this work, how I work on referral and why I have decided to open the work out now. 

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Book your soul UNBIND Session - £88

If you would like to have a further mentor/healing/coaching session following the UNBINDING, you can have a one off session with me by either adding this when your book your session with me, or come back and visit this page and click below.

Book a follow on session £111 for 60 minutes



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Meet your guide.

Where do I begin?

I have been working with energy all my life. I started to consciously work in the quantum field in 2003, when I became a Reiki master and started studying psychic development and various shamanic practises and the medicine wheel with some dear teachers. I realised then, that I had the skill to link in with another persons spirit guides to get direct guidance. I ran an in person business for a long time until I had a pause as I had breast cancer twice. Since then I had a yoga studio, have written a book, realised I love creating abstract art, become a life and spiritual purpose coach, essential oil educator, aromapoint therapist and human design expert. I have embraced my undefined G-centre and generator type in human design, I am light and flow to do the things that light me up and bring me joy.

Right now, the call to teach this way of being and moving through life is calling me. I trust that the souls that are ready to walk this path with me, will find this page. I am so so happy to work with you and so ready.

You are needed fully connected to your power and divinity change maker. 

Julie Christian - Yoga Teacher & Coach

This is a commitment that is life changing. You are working on & with yourself, but have a sisterhood with you so you can open up & be true, raw & honest. You are held. You are being taught how to deepen your connection to the divine. A system that provides so much richness. A depth that you can dive to, to find your hidden treasures, answers, realisations. It's transformative when you give yourself permission to immerse yourself into waters of this amazing system of healing. There is abundance that takes on a whole new meaning when you do this work''

Clare Savage - Reflexologist & Essential Oil Educator 

Karen has an innate ability to hold space that is forthright, nurturing and illuminating. Her unique combination of gathered wisdom, life experience and easily accessible down to earth teaching style means that very quickly you assimulate and collate information into your world. This information delivers tools to your space and your journey that takes you to the next step wherever that may be that you need to go. I will be forever grateful (and so will my family) for my time with her. I cannot recommend this process And spending time with Karen in this way - enough. 

Thank you Karen-always .

Sarah Elliot - Author & Acupuncturist

This course has been life changing. My moods have changed, I feel uplifted, connected and more confident. I have revealed talents I did not know were there. I have peeled back the layers to see and live the real authentic me. Definitely shining brightly for myself and others thanks to Karen

Georgie - Yoga Teacher

Learning to go round the Medicine Wheel with Karen has been profound in so many ways. Karen’s caring, genuine, non-judgemental and playful teachings are priceless. She coaxes you to a place that’s been in your dreams, she invites you to look behind the veil of our existence. Ultimately a life changing journey, a soul well nourished, an old path forged a new