Are you longing for a more regular practise, short relaxations, short flows, that work, to find more calm, balance and peace in your life, more space in your mind, body and heart?

Would you like to learn more about yogic philosophy, pranayama, and YOU?

Would you like to learn how to apply these principles into your life, to weave them in so that they become part of your life?

Do you get to the end of the day and realise that your body feels tight, your souls feels a little weary and you haven't prioritised time for you again?  

If the answer is YES to any of the above, then grab a lovely comforting drink, take a few minutes and have a look at what you will get all in the bamboo yoga monthly membership.

Please ask any questions, you can contact me via the form further below.  

Join and get instant access to the membership space

What you will get with the Y-Inner Sanctuary Membership Space ....

This membership has been created as a lot of my students have asked to go deeper. 

I have also felt for a while that I really want to go deeper with the teaching that you all get, and provide a space for you to get a more regular shorter practises into your week, to weave easily into your day and week. 

With a more regular practise, you get the chance to heal, to change, to transfer, to bring in more balance and calm into your everyday life. IT IS A SPACE FOR TRANSFORMATION. 

Over centuries Yoga has given us the tools to live well in the world, in this space, I will teach them to you and make it relevant and EASY

The membership is £39 each month including additional support in the membership area. You are free to stop your membership at any time. 

Included for you ...

  • Access to the Thursday Evening 7pm-8pm LIVE Real Time Interactive Yin Yoga Class.  If you can't make it, it will be recorded and added to the membership space for you to practise 
  • Easy to use app that allows you to yoga and calm the system on the go
  • Short Class to support the needs of the members and to tie in with the themes of the classes each month, or help with an area of the body that you are struggling with.  
  • A library of classes, updated every week, including a library of hatha classes. 
  • A choice of Meditation and  Relaxation Practises, a month , Dharma talk, and a monthly yoga planner to journal, delve and help you find consistency in your practise. This includes access to asking me questions and support as a life/yoga/transformational coach 
  • Access to a Pranayma Program, a progressive long term online course to build a steady and strong breath practise. 

What I value most is consistency, transformation and dedication, for yogi's who are ready, I am here and ready to guide you, I am excited! 

So am I, I would love to get started...

On-Line Interactive Classes

Access to all of the live interactive zoom classes and restorative classes, extra monthly pre-recorded short yin videos to support what we do in class that month. 

Space | Calm 

Meditation, mantra, mudra or relaxation that resonates with the focus of the month

Deep Breaths...

A structured program to develop your own pranayama (breath) practise and why this is beneficial. We will go deep this part of the membership will keep evolving for years! 

Dharma Talk

Each month a recording and space to discuss, where you will learn more about the practise of yoga, the yogic principles, and I will make them relevant to YOUR LIFE. These are ways we can live well I our life and body and our life. 

The Membership includes a monthly yoga planner, with quotes and tips to integrate yoga into your lifestyle with ease and grace, build awareness in your life, move past limits. (And its really pretty!!!)


I'm ready to slow down and breathe more deeply


Breathe in...Breathe out
Let it go....
One of the things that I have taken away from one of Karen's classes today, amongst other things such as her words of wisdom , from both books,  and also her own experience . Karen's classes are more than just a "yoga class ", if you want to know why, then book a class, take part, have a go and see how you feel. Thank you Karen, I am so glad I had the courage a year ago to book a Yoga class with you. 


I met Karen after a friend mentioned following her on Instagram. I found her yoga class easy to follow, some lovely elements of fun and very spiritual. I’ve also signed up for an essential oils training session, and as part of this Karen has spent time and given consideration to my individual needs. She has been very caring, compassionate and  respectful and I’m really grateful to her for this. I also find her posts interesting, informative and encouraging, and they help remind me of my core values. Thank you and I look forward to attending many more sessions.


At a time when not a lot is the same, Bamboo virtual yoga classes have kept one thing constant in my life - yoga. It's also brought my yoga practice home. Until recently it was something I did, and enjoyed, outside the home. I'm now practising yoga and relaxation in a new environment but feeling even more part of a community. The virtual hatha and yin classes I sign up for are now my opportunity not only to relax, find peace of mind and enjoy yoga and its many benefits, but its also my time to connect, feel reassured and supported. Thank you Karen xx" 

Introducing myself to you and why I teach yoga ...

... for me its important to know who is teaching me and why they do what I do...this is me in the video xxx


Please contact me if you have any questions ...