Overwhelmed is destined to be in your hands, if deep down in your soul, you know that there is more.
That you are more.
You long for a soul connection to life.
You are ready to step into your own unique power, to come back home to you, to drop the masks that exhaust you.
It is for you if you have ever uttered these words and phrases.
“I am overwhelmed.”
“I don’t have time.”
“I am busy.”
“I should.”
“I can’t.”
‘I’m fine.”
This is for you if you are tired of this society with all its expectations, perfectionism and pressure. Society likes our feelings nice and sanitised.
I’m here to guide you to discover the freedom inside of you. To become conscious of the words that you use. To heal, to make your life feel more spacious, to discover what you truly think and believe.
Time to take your power back.
We take a journey together, to spark your curiosity, to discover the words that take your power away. You learn to discover how you really feel, so that you can heal and live life in your unique power. This practical guide will help you come back home to you and all your feelings.
Learn to live and feel again.
For my friends in Southern Ireland - Amazon do not ship to your beautiful country because of Brexit, I am absorbing half of the shipping fees as I would rather you have this book if you would like it... AND the book will be signed and posted with lots of love by myself! You can order your signed copy below.

Karen Jackson, born in Nottingham April 1974, still lives there. She had a few years away to study Law at University in London and a Masters in Human Rights and Civil Liberties.
Karen has always been a free spirit, deep thinker and the odd one out. She believes in living life, really deeply living life, especially since having cancer twice in her 30’s.
Karen Jackson, born in Nottingham April 1974, still lives there. She had a few years away to study Law at University in London and a Masters in Human Rights and Civil Liberties.
Karen has always been a free spirit, deep thinker and the odd one out. She believes in living life, really deeply living life, especially since having cancer twice in her 30’s.
She wrote and drew all the time as a child, it was her expression and still is. Karen finally found her voice and true expression at the grand age of 47. She finally started to believe that she was good enough, and that her inner wisdom and unique way of seeing things, are needed to be expressed in this World.
Karen writes to empower, to inspire, to help souls reconnect with their own uniqueness and to respect that in each other.
She holds the vision of a more peaceful and powerful collective, in touch with their own feelings, not the sanitised acceptable version of feelings that society encourages. True gritty, joyous, messy feelings, the feelings you feel when you are live consciously.
When Karen isn’t writing, she is coaching her clients into their spiritual purpose in both life and business. Creating her podcast episodes, holding cacao ceremonies, nurturing her community of essential oil users, yin yoga students and magical UNBOUND members. Karen is multi-passionate, and also teaches shamanic journeying, the medicine wheel and creating abstract art. On top of all of this, she has a love of doing Human Design readings and has become one of the UK experts in this field.
Everything Karen devotes her energy to feels good for her, she has gone through the lessons that she shares in this book to discover her worth, to follow joy, to live.
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I will get back to you in a couple of days, I am so looking forward to this creation connecting me with more like minded souls, and opening up wonderful deep conversations.