Medicine wheel for entrepreneurs

An invitation to join me on this 4 month on-line live group journey to walk together through the sacred Medicine Wheel, embracing the elements, the directions & uncovering the truth that lies within you. So that you can step into a new way of life. A new way of business.  A new way of being.


Here, you will find the connection to your intuition, wisdom, and the power to manifest all the possibilities that await you.


We begin on the 29th October…

Shamanic self-discovery

Building a business is more than just marketing & strategy—it's about evolving on a soul level. It is an illusion that you’re doing it alone, You’re never alone on this journey. Your guides, power animals, nature and the elements surround you.

Your power lies in your intuition, your inner wisdom. Do you know how to access it? To surrender to it, to trust it, and allow it to guide your actions? 

Medicine wheel for entrepreneurs
Begin Your Journey

I have built my business as a shaman for 22 years by mastering my intuition, receiving downloads, aligning with my unique human design strategies, and manifesting through imagination before bringing it into the 3D world with content, copy, offer suites and magnetic messaging.


Now, it’s your turn.

Inspiration begins in your imagination, not your logical mind. Your imagination is free—a space of possibility where your future self thrives. We will journey through the sacred Medicine Wheel, uncovering unimaginable possibilities available to you. You will  connect to your quantum field, collapse timelines, become your own healer and seer whilst accessing your inspiration, so your business thrives aligned with your highest timeline and all its possibilities.

Begin Your Journey
Shamanic self-discovery

You are a spiritual, heart-led entrepreneur on a path to awakening and desire living your fullest expression. You know the limitations of creating from your head—it keeps you safe, but also holds you back. You crave a business built from curiosity and trust, free from doubt and old patterns, and in complete alignment with your intuition and soul’s purpose.


You love money and abundance, but you know that aligning with your souls desires—impacting and uplifting the collective in a unique way that only you can—is your true driver. You’re ready to be fierce, to be the light and power you came here to be. For that, you need energetic mastery, to become an extension of source energy.


You’re ready to discover the Medicine Wheel—a spiritual system that guides you in business and life, raising your energetic vibration and releasing any limits that resurface. You know that when you listen to your heart and source, everything falls into place like magic. You are here for a life of synchronicity, yet you may not fully trust your connection to your intuition just yet

In the fast-paced, ever-changing world of entrepreneurship, connection to your intuition will always guide you. Living your life's purpose means there are no wrong turns. You become a calm, magnetic force, attracting soul clients who are already dreaming of you.


As AI-generated content floods the market, those who are not connected to their own voice, creative expression, and purpose will struggle to stand out. But when you step fully into your uniqueness, unapologetically confident and shining, you will be irresistible to your soul clients.


The world needs you—your voice, your uniqueness, your dharma lived. The most magnetic people are those who are simply great at being themselves.


If you don’t reconnect inwardly, where will you be? If you keep drifting off course, hiding behind a mask of sameness, or ignoring that gut instinct or whisper of knowing, you risk missing out on the magic and opportunities meant for you.


When you stop looking for answers outside—through the next course, coach, or book—and start connecting to your own wisdom within, you save time, money, and stress.


Life and business goes to new dimensions when you are truly connected to your intuition.


Life hits differently when you are living life walking with the Medicine Wheel.

Discover the transformative power of the Medicine Wheel, a tool that has guided my journey for over two decades. This ancient practice, reimagined for the modern soul-led entrepreneur, has been my unwavering support system, inspiring me to take bold steps and elevate my business to heights I never imagined possible. It's more than a practice; it's a way of life that empowers you to connect deeply with your inner wisdom and the energies that surround us.

Through this portal I have empowered soul-led entrepreneurs like you to learn how to take shamanic journeys so that you can: 

✨Reconnect to the seer within you, become your own oracle so that you can gain clarity and trust yourself and your decisions even if they don’t always make sense and feel wildly scary, thats often when the quantum leap lies


✨Channel the perfect offers, suites, ideas, words, copy and content through. One student started writing in the first medicine wheel container and has now left her job in education and is a writer, spoken word artist and channel


✨Cleanse and move stagnant energy, to shift past limiting beliefs as you continue to transform and evolve to grow the business that the world has been dreaming of, in essence, you can become your own healer as you bring your doubts to your guides and the energy of the medicine wheel, they get transmuted


✨Be able to visit your own unseen 


✨Raise your energetic vibration and weave your desires into the universe in a way of manifestation that your future self will thank you for 


✨Gain a deep connection to the elements, to the universe, to your spirit guides, they become your business council, your brainstorming partners, your cheerleaders


✨Be in community and circle with like minded souls, so that you no longer have to be a lone wolf and walk this path alone


✨Access your SOUL GLOW, the glow that comes from listening, connecting with yourself at soul level and building a clear and strong relationship with your intuition and spirit team

If you love human design, this work will help you lean deeper into the embodiment of your strategy and authority, which you know will help grow your business with more ease.


This portal of expansion is for you if you are ready for continued soul evolution and business growth.

"You are not here to play small."

The Walk Around the Medicine Wheel...

... a tool for Soul Evolution, for Self-Transformation, Deep Intuitive Connection. 

These are the practical elements that this portal contains.

  • Private Telegram Group Community Space - be held by like minded souls on a journey of soul growth & connection like you are, so that you don't feel alone as you evolve. I will be in this space to answer questions as they come up once a week to support you to embody this way of being. 


  • 5 Live 90 minute Group Calls - taking you on bespoke group journeys. In these live calls I will attune you to the frequencies that will raise your energetic vibration and coach you through bringing your ideas from the 5D to the 3D. You will be seen and you will be healed on soul level. 


  • A Beautiful Portal with 5 Modules packed with hypnotic tracks, guided shamanic journeys and shamanic teachings.


  • Soulwork. I am all about the spiritual 5D but also the 3D, the practical, the sacred doing alongside the sacred being. tasks will be inspired  by the lessons of the directions in relation to your goal, vision, mission in life and business. This isn't just another course to take in, you are going to live it and weave it into your business growth.


  • Uncovering your soul's purpose and the concept of dharma and the Ayurvedic elements of creation. This work helps you stay aligned and notice if you are getting stuck in your business process. This way of energetically seeing business creation will help you get unstuck if you ever hit a ceiling in the future. 


  • Energy Immersion We immerse in the energy of each direction for 3 weeks at a time, to absorb and learn the power of each direction, and take embodied and aligned action in your business creations. 


  • BONUS Optional Essential Oil Shamanic Plant medicine and protocols to keep your energy high vibe and free flowing. This is an energy transforming and management course in its own right. Essential Oils are one of my passions and tools. Learn more in the FAQ section at the bottom of the page.






If you are not ready and feel resistance-this is not the space for you and I am not your guide. 

Book a 15 minute Call with me HERE


Option 1 : The Walk Around The Medicine Wheel

💫12 months access to the 'Medicine Wheel On-Line program and content.' 


💫Sisterhood and Community. My support and the support of your journey sisters for our time together in a private Telegram space, to get answers as things come up and share any a-has's. 


đź’«BONUS neuro-programming relaxation journey to open your channel, heal the shadows and step into your power.



đź’«BONUS Optional Essential Oil Shamanic Plant medicine and protocols to keep your energy high vibe and free flowing. Valued at ÂŁ555


💫Connection to your intuition and source, activations and a deep change to your DNA,  your cells, your life will never be the same.


BONUS: with the PAY IN FULL BONUS: Free Soul Oracle & Tarot Reading


If you would like to book a call, you can do so >>>HERE<<<


Pre-Sale Price below. This will increase to ÂŁ1,555


Medicine Wheel - Pre-Sale - Payment Plan

5 monthly payments of ÂŁ222.22 GBP
Medicine Wheel - Pre-Sale - Pay In Full

ÂŁ1,111.00 GBP


Option 2. VIP - The Deepening

If you love to immerse yourself  and dedicate yourself to quantum leaping, this option is for you. With bespoke coaching and healing 1-1 sessions this package includes everything in the walk around the Medicine Wheel with the addition of


FOUR - one on one private and bespoke75 minute sessions


In the calls we do deep transformative soul work. Some sessions we might do a soul retrieval, some ancestral healing, some life coaching, connect with your guides...

... I never know what is going to happen, I connect in with your guides and take you where you need to go ... this is UNIQUE and magical work.


PAY IN FULL BONUS: Free Soul Oracle & Tarot Reading


Pre-Sale Price below. This will increase to ÂŁ2,221


Frequently Asked Questions 

If you would like to have a chat you can book a 15 minute call with me here...

I walk the shamanic path and live this way of being in my life and business daily. Looking back, I have always been a shamanic teacher and healer, now I am owning that and calling in my students unapologetically. 

I love blending the 3D and the 5D, the ancient and the modern, blending coaching, neuro-programming, human design with the shamanic journey space and plant medicine. 

With over 20 years being and teaching, I love and live my passion of bringing the old ways back, of guiding my students back to their own power, uniqueness and power so that they can do what they are here to do in the world. 

I stand tall and grounded in my truth for the change makers, the truth seekers, the healers, the heart and soul led entrepreneurs, ready for their own next level of souls evolution. I believe we can make more of an impact together with connection to self and source. 


Client Experience