Your uniqueness, your energy matters, the resonance of your being matters. The codes to your magnetism are contained in your vibrational frequency matters.


A truly holistic business strategy is a combination of all of the above, amplified by belief, trust in yourself and action.

I am here to help you find and activate your own way of flow.

To help you fall deeply in love with yourself, you uniqueness, your souls purpose on this earth, so that you have an unshakable confidence and focus on your path and in your business. 

What happens in our time together?

I use my unique blend of life coaching. (I have studied with Danielle La Porte, Sahara Rose and and New Skills Academy and am a yoga teacher in different disciplines, intuitive, energy worker and human design reader and coach).

I tune into your energy and truth (your highest self) to curate the perfect questions for you to come home to your brilliance and gifts. 

Each session is as unique as you are, we could do journalling, affirmations, guided meditation, breath work in addition to the base of insightful and transformational coaching techniques.  

I am dedicated to you moving past the limits that bind you, to remember your uniqueness and personal power, to fall in love with you and love growing and transforming into your future self. 

The Coaching Package is £620 for 4 x 75 minutes sessions, which can be taken over a period that we arrange. It includes a complimentary 15 minute call to see if our energy resonates. You can schedule this below.  

Schedule a 15 minute chat with me
4 x Coaching Sessions - Pay in Full

£777.00 GBP

I came away from my first coaching session with Karen feeling fully alive and inspired! I left believing in myself more than I had done in a while and feeling much more of a sense of direction.

Karen’s honesty and authenticity is so easy to connect to and has given me the boost I need to show up strong and tall in my own teaching and business.

I now know which areas of my business I need to focus on to make progress and how to go about that. The session also involved questions of self inquiry that I hadn’t thought about before so I now know exactly what it is that I want to offer and achieve and feel much more focus. 

I’m so happy I booked this session and feel even more excited about my journey. Thank you Karen for your wonderful energy.

Isabella Holder 

Why you are feeling called to work with me as your mentor/teacher/healer/guide/coach for you and your business.

I have been a soulpreneur, a shamanic practitioner and energy healer for 18 years now. 

My business is a living reflection of my energetic vibration, of my soul's purpose and my passion. 

I dedicate my life and work to my own deeper healing and embodiment of my purpose and stepping fully into my power. I lead myself, so that I can be there to guide other changemekers. As women we are needed more then ever, your creations are needed more than ever. 

I am here with a variety of skills and tools to help you remember what you came to this earth walk from. 

I help you connect with your inutition, so that you will always have an internal guidance to refer to. 

I will help you find your flow with launching, with selling that feels divine. Because it is. 

I can also help you heal, I can show you and give you the tools, then it is for you to do the work. 

I have also done a specific training to help souls find their Spiritual Life purpose/Dharma with the amazing Sahara Rose, this is super helpful at helping you navigate your path and expression in your business.