Divine Goddess, heart and soul-led entrepreneur, are you ready to step fully into your intuitive connection to source. To embody your spiritual power and dharma?

Are you ready to work at a deep energetic level, to connect with your guides, to connect to the magic that is all around you, to become attuned to the synchronicities all round you?

Are you drawn to a shamanic way of being, to connect with nature and your heart? 

Are you ready to heal another layer? To gather any lost parts of your energy and soul back?

Do you long to trust your intuitive hits, to able to make aligned decisions and follow the breadcrumbs that the universe leaves you?

Would you love to develop your ability to channel and discover the most aligned way that your guides and highest self work with you?

Do you believe that you have so much wisdom encoded in your DNA, to access and bring through into the World and into your business?

If any of the above resonates with you, I have created a bespoke soul curriculum for you. 

As you journey with me into this space of guided self-discovery, you will discover the landscapes of your own energetic chakras, gently dismantling the barriers that have hindered your intuitive flow. In our shared space, we will embrace both the shadows and the light, entering into a space of deep self-inquiry, psychic development  and soulful coaching.

As an intuitive leader, you know that you have everything inside of you. You know that you are connected to everything and they you are here, as a soul-led entrepreneur, because you have something to offer the world through your business. 

You are ready to fine tune your connection to source to download your next steps with ease and build the business that you are here for.

When you are connected to source and learn the language of your inner knowing, your life and business hits differently. 

You will:-

  • be able to channel ideas, concepts, programs and magnetise your soul clients, they will feel you
  • be able to intuitively feel how your clients do and help guide them with compassionate and clear questions
  • become more magnetic, as you gain more heart coherence
  • you will exude the energies of peace and calm, which will draw your soul clients to you
  • you will be able to take aligned action, because you will know its the right direction to take, you will TRUST and be able to SURRENDER to the beautiful SYNCHRONICITIES all around you. 

Developing your intuition, is a magical key, that opens up infinite possibilities.

In our sessions together, we will work on removing energetic blocks in the chakras, moving through the shadows in the energetic sphere into your power. 

I combine shamanic healing, ancient modalities, modern coaching and neuro-promgramming, and hold space for you to reconnect to your true sight and inner knowing, 

Each session we will have a bespoke and unique combination of the following. 

  • Take a guided shamanic journey, channeled in the moment for you, with an energetic activation in each one to heal and up-level your energy system. I have the ability to connect with your guides and journey with you, this is powerful, as we will see and get the same information, so that this helps you trust what you are getting though. We will walk together, as you master the art of deciphering the language of the universe and crafting your distinctive way of communing with the divine.
  • Learn and practise a different intuitive tool each session
  • Healing and balancing each chakra can have profound effects on developing intuition and becoming a magnetic leader and entrepreneur. Each chakra represents different aspects of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and when they are in harmony, they can enhance your abilities and presence as soul-led entrepreneurs.
  • Over our time together, you will learn how to connect with your guides, how YOU receive information (we are all different) and to use tools to connect with your intuition. You will learn your unique language and way of communicating  with the divine.


  • Session One: Soul Reading & Orientation: I will read your cards and channel a zone of focus for you from your guides before our session. We will deep dive into what you need so we can maximise our time together and get prepared for you to move into your fully connected future self.
  • Session Two: BONUS: Remote Soul Retrieval: At an arranged time, I will do a soul retrieval for you, to get your personal power back, to move past any of the patterns that have been holding you back. You can learn more about Soul Retrieval Here. PODCAST EPISODE.  BLOG 1. BLOG 2. Or  HERE
  • Session Three: Base Chakra & Automatic Writing: Healing the root chakra provides an internal strength and a deep sense of security. When you feel safe, grounded and rooted, you are able to trust and leap into your future self. This internal stability allows you to take calculated risks and make decisions with a clear mind. I will also teach you, and attune you to the frequency that opens you up to automatic writing. 
  • Session Four: Sacral Chakra and Dowsing: The work we do here will enhance your ability to hook into your creative flow, to allow innovative ideas and solutions to flow through you. This work will also allow you to connect authentically with your audience, creating a magnetic and relatable presence. I will attune and teach you to correctly use a pendulum as an intuitive tool.
  • Session Five: Solar Plexus and tarot/oracle cards: The work we do here, will connect you back to your personal power and confidence, enabling you to show up as you, UNAPOLOGETICALLY.  A strong solar plexus chakra boosts your innate magnetism, attracting others to your and helping you step into your intuitive leadership. We will start to explore how you could use cards in your business planning.
  • Session Six: Heart Chakra and Crystal Gazing: Harmonising your heart centre, will help you to lead with empathy, and heart coherence. This energy enhances your intuition, and compassion is magnetic. We will investigate the intuitive tool of gazing and attune you to your natural channel.
  •  Session Seven: Throat Chakra and Psychometry: There is always more work we can do to free your voice from conditioning and fear so that you can communicate clearly and authentically in your self expression. Using your true voice, makes you unique in your market and irresistible. I will also teach you the tool of psychometry and attune you to this way of working. 
  • Session Eight: Brow Chakra and Channeling: I will take you on a beautiful guided shamanic journey to refine and enhance your ability to channel. This skill is life and business changing. Working with this chakra enhances your ability to tap into your inner knowing and make insightful decisions. Developing your intuition as an entrepreneur helps you anticipate trends, spot opportunities, and make strategic choices. 
  • Session Nine: Crown Chakra: We will double down on your favourite intuitive tool that I have taught you so far. I will take you on a beautiful shamanic journey to connect you to higher consciousness and the ability to recieve spiritual insights. Connecting with this centre fosters a deep sense of purpose and clarity, guiding you in aligning your business with your soul's mission. This alignment draws those who resonate with your higher purpose.
  • Session Ten: Initiation and Integration: Closing our sacred time together and attuning you to the intuitive leader that you are.
Schedule a Call with Me

Each session (except the soul retrieval) will be in a 75 minute zoom container. We will take a healing journey, learn the theory and also get a chance to practise, ask questions and do any other bespoke work, that is needed in that moment.  

This is your journey, and opportunity to get deeply connected, the more you practise and use this time to grow, the greater the transformation. I will curate bespoke tasks for you to keep developing in between sessions, this could be anything from tapping, self inquiry, breath work to listening to a hypnotherapy track or taking a shamanic journey.

WARNING: You will change and transform doing this work. 


Are you ready to begin a lifetime connection to your guides, source energy, a feeling of never being alone again, and consistent aligned inspiration?

This work will raise the vibration of your energetic system, you will reclaim the wisdom with and become more magnetic. 


This isn't just a program, it is a journey of remembrance. We will dedicate seven months to unveiling the intricate facets of your intuition, one luminous layer at a time. As you embody and refine each tool and insight, you'll breathe life into forgotten wisdom and effortlessly sync with your guiding light.


We take each area and tool one month at a time, to embody, to practise and refine, you may have spent a lifetime forgetting, we dedicate 7 months to remembering. 

Are you ready to begin a lifetime connection to your guides, source energy, a feeling of never being alone again, and consistent aligned inspiration.

 The details...

-7 x 1-1 sessions together of 75 minutes, to meet you where you are and tune into your specific needs, so that you can become fully connected to source in total trust.  

-Weekly check in via VOXER, so that you can keep moving forward with real-time support.

-I will set further tasks or channel messages for you in response to what is going on or you, so that you will know exactly what to focus on, making the journey smooth.

-You will also get access to my UNBOUND and YIN YOGA MEMBERSHIP spaces, these are valued at £581 for the duration of our time together. To increase the tools  you have access yo and deepen the transformation. (Learn More Below)

-Lifetime & unbreakable connection to your way of working in the quantum field (priceless). When you get access to your best decisions and continuous information, life and business will never be the same, it will be supercharged.

-PAY IN FULL BONUS - Return to the Heart: Holding Space with Cacao Ceremony (£444)


If you would like to book a 15 minute chat with me to talk it through & see if it deeply resonates with you click below to schedule

Have a look at the spaces that you will get access to, there will be practises that I will direct you to following our sessions to carry one the healing work.