Gratitude, is such a simple thing, but sometimes tricky to keep coming back to when life is challenging. 

Join me as I guide you in simple and easy ways to find more gratitude in your day. 

It literally is mood and life changing. 

Come and Join me and a beautiful community of like minded souls 11-15th October 2021

Would you like to feel...

-More content

-More present

-Enjoy Life more

-Find more joy

-Have more happiness

-Smile more

-Feel more supported

-Boost the health of your body?

-Feel more connected?

If the answers were yes to any of these, you will love this free challenge. 

It is ran in a closed facebook group, and on instagram. 

I have created a free workbook/journal to use alongside the 5 days to enhance and enable you to go deeper. 

Do you feel ...

-Feelings of sadness

-Feelings of fear

-That you don't have enough... Time, Money

-Low self worth, that you aren't good enough

-Compare yourself to others

-Feel alone, unsupported

-Feel disconnected to life around you

-The day goes by in chaos and you realise that you haven't been present at all

-Believe that if you learnt X, did X, your body looked like X, you owned X, your life would be better, you would be enough?

If you have any of these (note I do! I just notice them and turn to gratitude most of the time!), you will LOVE this 5 day challenge. 

It is possible for us to change how we feel. 

I have done it.

What is involved...

For 5 days, a daily short video and then you have a go at that days Gratitude Practise. 

The Gratitude Challenge runs from the 11th October 2021

There is a closed group for more support where the challenge will be ran. You can ask me questions and shared in a safe closed space and I will be there to answer, support and coach for the week. You can access this group further down the page. 

Each day will be a different practise. 

I have designed this, to help you reconnect to you, find the support, joy, love and beauty around you even in the most toughest times. AND TO REMEMBER YOUR QUALITIES, YOUR AMAZINGNESS. 

I have created a beautiful workbook/journal free, have a look below and register to get yours emailed to you. 

Here are the ways to take part

Access the closed Facebook Group

For coaching, support, and a deeper sense of community. 


Free Gratitude Journal

Click below and the workbook will get sent to you.


Welcome beautiful soul, 

My name is Karen, for my work which is also my passion, I teach yoga, mediation, holistic therapies, I am in to nature, plants crystals, I life coach and I am an essential oil educator. 

I am also a x 2 survivor of cancer. My practise of journalling, gratitude, essential oils and Yin yoga helped me come back from a traumatic time, and now I dedicate my work to helping other souls do the same to LIVE DEEPLY. 

I have a podcast, teaching you the tools that I use...

You can find me on 



Or click here ...

Don't forget you FREE Gratitude Journal

This will deepen your experience. 

Get Your Gratitude Journal