
action guided meditation inspiration motivation Mar 05, 2021
inspiration, blog, podcast, slow down live deeply, action, business


This blog is taken from Episode 20 of the SLOW DOWN Live Deeply Podcast and I have had lots of good feedback about it and told that I has been though provoking. It will be in 2 parts, this is the first instalment. 

I hear from people around me regularly saying to me that I inspire them, that they find me inspirational which is so beautiful to hear. 

What I like to learn is… has that moment of inspiration been taken and transformed,  led to a change in their actions. Or was that moment of inspiration let go of?

Let’s look at the possibility of inspiration…if feel inspired, but don’t translate that, or maybe don’t feel inspired enough to take action, is it really inspiration? Is it just some words that temporary thing made you think? Yes, that's awesome, but you just quickly return to your normal? There are so many reasons why we quickly retreat back to normal, mostly because of self esteem, lack of belief and other mindset issues. 

Inspiration by the very nature of it to me, it feels like:-

A step,

An action 


Something taking you towards something amazing. 

It could be intensely scary. 

It involves gently and consistency looking at our stuff, all the beliefs that get in the way of true inspiration and change. 

If you see something in someone that you find inspiring, when you really respect that person for that, you are really seeing the qualities that are inside of you. They are reflected back to you. 

Whatever it is that inspires you about somebody,  look deeper at that,  because you are that. You feel that stirring inside, because that's something to be nurtured inside of you. It really is. It's there inside of you.

When we look at someone we admire, we often out them above us, we think , No, I can't be like that. 

Remember that everybody started on the same level. 

No followers, no podcast, no business, no fitness program, no crocheting experience. (I really want to crochet one day.) 

We all start at the same level, zero experience, zero clue of what we're doing,  I think that we forget that. We look at these people and think how lucky they are to be much further ahead than where we are. 

This used to be me, in my yoga & essential oil business. I realised that in doing so, I wasn't taking responsibility for myself. I realised as a soulpreneur, that you only get somewhere, If you work consistently at moving forward, at inspiring yourself. 

Every day I get into meditation, I do the work for myself to get inspired, to make space for the ideas to flow. And I do not give myself a luxury of NOT acting upon it. 

When you see somebody that inspires you, is it something you want to develop in yourself? 

Is it something you want to develop in your business or your personal practices? 

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