Gratitude, Scarcity, Complaining and the medicine of Abundance.

abundance eneregtic medicine gratitude Feb 26, 2021

Carrying on from the last blog and episode 19 of the SLOW DOWN Live Deeply Podcast....

The last day of the gratitude challenge that I ran, we looked at complaining. I believe that gratitude is the antidote to complaining! 

Questions to consider?

Do you feel good when you complain?

How is the energy…high vibe…low vibe…helpful? 

I am sure that we are all similar in the fact that we have a never-ending pile of laundry, a never ending cycle! 

I caught myself a few years ago and I still slip into it every now and then moaning about the laundry, I go into poor me Cinderella energy! 

This complaining energy doesn't feel good. Now, I am able to catch myself.  In the past I have had a few operations when I craved the ability to do the laundry as I was incapacitated for a while. I remind myself of this when I catch myself complaining about the laundry! I also recognise how grateful I am that we have so much stuff. (Part of me cringes, because I've just been looking into the minimalist movement. And in yoga, we teach non grasping non-attachment. So I have an inward cringe, but I'm human and I don't judge myself.) So I'm grateful for all the clothes that we have myself, my husband and my kids, grateful that I have a washing machine,  that I have electricity, that I don't have to go out the house to do that, that I don't have to hand wash,  grateful for all the needs that are met for me every day. 

The washing is a part of the rhythms in life that we have. A lot of them can be very, very mundane, but it's part of the rhythm of life that gives us comfort. 

I choose not to spend my time complaining in low vibe energy about something that's actually a state that many people in this world would like to be in . This really is a case of first world problems. Isn't it? 

I believe that gratitude is a powerful, a powerful medicine to move us from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. 

In a scarcity mindset,  we are not good enough, we don't have enough, we want more to fill the lack of value that we have in ourselves. 

Abundance is, I am enough. I have enough in this moment.  We have enough, we are enough.

I would definitely recommend watching the minimalist on Netflix. It made me think a lot about the nature of commerce out there.

The more gratitude work, the more I stop and think the more abundant I feel in this moment, I do have everything I need. 

I hope you found this useful. I will keep the link to the gratitude journal in my link section because it's in my Facebook group that you can join anytime. And it lives in the guides that used to be called units. So it's there for you to work through in your own time. It's a beautiful practice. And just a few minutes for five days, I've seen the effect it's had on people, and I've heard the feedback and it's made my heart grow even bigger.

Sending love Karen

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