Why I was so happy that I pulled the death card to represent the energy of my business

business woman oracle cards soulpreneur tarot Apr 05, 2022

Beautiful Soul, does the word death, terrify you, make you want to recoil and run away, to close your eyes and not look?

After 2 brushes with cancer and some other scary moments in hospital, I learnt to surrender, I accepted death, and flow into my life, I relaxed a lot. This doesn't mean that  I am chasing it, (I love life), it means that I have accepted it as a natural part of life. I have faced it emotionally and mentally. I am not in denial, denial for me, grasping exhausts my energy and takes me away from living. 

This blog was created as I was playing around with creating a card spread for my business, looking at the essence of my business and what I am here for. I pulled the death card. I laughed and was actually impressed that it could not be more spot on. 

The death card for me doesn't mean literal death (it can in some instances). 


Now I have embraced change, I get excited. The heart of my business is to help soulpreneurs and souls interested in their souls evolution, remember their power and step into their uniqueness. 

This means that death of the old self that is no longer serving is needed, you cannot create or vibrate at a high frequency from where you start at. You need to release in order too make space, you need to look at the shadows and the masks that you have created to not look at the shadows. You need to move towards your gifts, you need to deeply and unequivocally believe in yourself, in the universe and believe deeply that you are far more than enough, you are stardust, you are the universe and you are perfect. 

You need to heal the ego, and partner with it, in a new way to lead you in this 3D world. Can you do it with the persona that you hold onto at the moment? 

I am so open to my souls evolution being a series of mini-deaths to the persona, the labels that I am using. I keep shedding, I keep trusting, I am fluid (an open G-Centre helps with that). Life for me is a series of steps and transformation. Nature teaches us, via the seasons, that the seed grows into the tree, it bears fruit, then the fruit must be let go, the leaves retreat, rest enforced in order to cultivate the energy for a new season of fruit. The cycle goes on, each spring the tree has transformed, it is different to the tree it was last spring, and on it goes. 

Covid shed the 'I am a Yoga Studio Owner' persona for me, I was forced to look deeper and surrender again and it has been magical, it has taken me down a mystical path, with twist after turn, deeper into myself, my power, enforced a deep trust with the universe and my business has pivoted and grown in so many ways. AND brought me so much JOY, with heavy doses of FEAR along the way. 

I couldn't be the guide and teacher that I am now, if I had not let that old self die. 

This is what my business teaches, to slow down, to connect to you, to come into your body, to connect with nature, with the cycles, the seasons, the medicine wheel, to heal the shadows and let go of what isn't working anymore, to let that old version of you die. To feel raw and vulnerable as your grow into the new version of you. I teach you, and hold the safe space for you to transform, so that you can do what you are here to do.

I show you that it is okay to be multi passionate, to fall deeply in love with the experience of life, to pivot, to follow joy, to step away from hustle. And really, in effect as we step into our way of being, over the years, the old way of doing and not being will slowly dissolve. 

Without death in the universe, everything would get clogged up and stagnated, there would just be repetition of what has been. There would be no space for new. And I don't know about you, I love new, I love fresh, I love imagination. 

At essence, the aim of yoga is to teach us that we will die, and surrender to that, hence the corpse pose. We are taught that we are part of the whole and the ego separates us in some ways in this lifetime, but underneath it all, the connection to source and the other remains. If we can accept this, believe it and trust it, release the fear, the denial, we can LIVE DEEPLY. Like really live. 

Thats what my business is for. I could not have chosen a better card. 

I would love to know how this resonates with you. 

I also want to acknowledge @pipcardstarot who spoke about using the major arcana cards to help you ask about your brand. So inspired, thank you xxx



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