It really is okay to cry.
Jan 29, 2021
Hi beautiful soul, how are you feeling right now at this time in history really, in the middle of a pandemic, which might make you want to cry? I want to say that you are doing an amazing job, allow yourself the grace of not being okay some days. I felt it last week for sure.
This blog is the last part related to episode 13 of the slow down live deeply podcast. Links are attached at the bottom of the blog.
Let's have a look at crying today, I bet we all have different opinions on it, depending upon what we have been taught and our experiences when we did cry in front of others.
Crying is just an expression of energy. We attach so many concepts , beliefs and stigmas to it.
Let’s simplify it, the energy that we store needs to come out somehow, so it is so key to cry. If you don't want to do something because it makes you cry, you are numbing the sensations in the body and blocking the free expression of energy. We require a free flow of energy in order to have wellness in our body, our mind, emotions and energetic system.
If you resist the body and souls need to cry, it might be interesting to look at what you've been taught about crying.
Were you told to stop as a child?
Were you told that to shut up - Don't cry - Crying is for girls….. and I’m sure it goes on….particularly for males, sexism in practise. Men were discouraged from crying and women were termed the weaker sex because we cried.
Anytime anyone told my son not to cry, I would fiercely tell him to cry, I told him that he was strong to cry, don't keep it in, let it out, express yourself. You can cry if you want to.
Over time, as we start to look at the opinions and beliefs in our heads, we start to realise that they are not even from us. Would you allow your friend, your children, your other half to cry? Or would you tell them to man up, shut up? Do you want them to express themselves and cry or does it make you feel uncomfortable?
Sometimes someone else tears make us uncomfortable as growing up, we simply haven't been taught how to deal with these situations, there might have been some drama or conflict when tears appeared.
Or, you might encourage your friends to cry, tell them that you understand, that you are there for them, yet deny them that act of caring for you when you could do with some support. I promise you that you are never alone, we just have to be brave and let people in, in order to be supported.
In the past I felt so alone and didn't cry as I felt I had to be strong and not need help. I was wrong ... life has blossomed, since I started to open up and let the light shine in.
I wanted to finish with a beautiful quote. In the podcast, episode 13, I also give a reading.
“For all those years, you've lived under the illusion that somehow you made it because you were tough, tough enough to overpower the abuse, the hatred, the hard knocks of life, but really you made it because love is so powerful. Tiny doses of it are enough to overcome the pain of the worst thing that life can dish out.” Rachel Reiland
This passage brings to my mind an image of a protective boundary around us all, where there is no space for love to flow in or out. It truly is the love, the softness that gets us through.
When you feel intensely, or an old pattern or hurt is bubbling up, open your heart, take some deep breaths and please give it away to the universe. Give it back. There is no such thing in my humble opinion, as good or bad energy or emotions. We are allowed to feel fear, anger, frustration, resentment. It's a sign of how our ego is coping with life. It is quite often a sign that something isn’t as it should be for us, we need to move away from something, use it as an indication, an alarm signal, what needs to change? Having said this, what isn't helpful is to hang out in that emotion all the time that doesn’t feel good.
If you are just full of anger or full of sadness, I believe that you can give it way back to mother earth. Energy is energy, it is neutral, it is our perspective that colours it.
It is healthy to have a balance of emotions. It's not reality to hang out in joy all the time. One day you might wake up full of joy, everything’s amazing, then by the end of the day you could be in sheer frustration , irritable everything is going wrong. We all have these emotions and they change and it's okay.
You are allowed to feel
You are allowed to be free of those heavy emotions
You are allowed to come to my YIN classes!!! They are on Thursdays 7.00pm GMT online, I would love to see you there and hold the space for you to do the work. (link in sidebar to book)
Sending so much love
Karen xxxx
PS Links to the SLOW DOWN Live Deeply Podcast
PPS: if you feel called to delve into your emotions and gain more awareness, the YOU ARE ENOUGH course is an amazing place to begin. (link in sidebar)
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