How to celebrate Imbolc
Jan 28, 2022My soul has been drawn back to the cycles of our ancient lands, when the focus of life was the seasons, to live in harmony with the ever changing nature of them.
I recognise how tough this lifestyle would have been, dependant upon crops in the immediate area, without the luxuries and convenience of modern day life. But part of my soul keeps being drawn back to this way, the simplicity, maybe the balance, maybe I have become too comfortable?
I am bringing the wheel of the year back into my family and my UNBOUND community. It feels sacred, this reconnection back to Mother Earth, it feels full of reverence, beauty and respect.
A way to show our energetic gratitude to her.
I have been a shamanic practitioner for over 18 years, but didn't go into the Celtic traditions, now I am, and I wanted to share the journey with you.
The Wheel of the Year, is also known as the Sabbat, relates to the seasons, the cycles in nature and our own lives. The times when we, along with nature have times to rest, and times to grow.
When we align with the seasons, our souls, body and energy are nourished.
IMBOLC - is celebrated at the start of February, it is half way between Ostara (taken from the pagan Celts and shaped into Easter in religious circles) and the Winter Solstice (Yule).
Imbolc in the Celtic Language, means in the belly of the mother, it is the place where the seeds sit, and begin to activate, to stir at this time of year. It is when the cold and the dark slowly and gracefully starts to subside and spring starts to re-introduce herself.
It is the time when we move out of the void, the space of dreamtime, of going within, of dreaming, into more doing, starting to bring those dreams into reality.
Imbolc is the perfect time to start something new, to start to nourish the dreams that found you in winter.
Imbolc is a fire festival, a time to celebrate the light and warmth returning.
Some ways to honour and celebrate IMBOLC
- Think of the quality of light, the warmth that spring brings, what this means to you as you light a candle
- Light a fire
- Plant some seeds and nourish them
- Clean and declutter your house to make space for the new energy that spring brings
- Journal, on what you would love to create, what dreams you are ready to bring into reality after this sacred pause of winter.
Sending love K
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