clarity-how card readings can help
Jul 08, 2022
Day 4 of COVID quarantine, the thought drops into my head...
As I have learnt more about my head and also my head centre and flow of energy in human design, I have managed to become more disciplined about the ideas that drop in.
I used to think that every idea that came into my head, I should do something about, do you resonate with this? I thought that if I didn't, they would be wasted, that I wouldn't be giving/teaching/serving my students, clients and audience fully. The only problem is, we all have so many thoughts! Millions every day.
With my human design, my open head centre, means that my head picks up on everything around me, and finds everything inspiring, there is no filter, everything literally sparkles to me!
I have gate 11 defined, the gate of ideas, so all the things I see that are inspiring, I have an idea for, a potential course, a business plan, all I see is the potential and lots of possibilities for each idea. Then my defined motor centres kick in and I feel the intense pressure to do it now, create it, express it, do a podcast episode on it now, get it out into the World NOW. This is the gift and curse of my design, the shadow and the light that I am learning how to manage, in order to balance my nervous system, my time, my energy.
I was exhausting myself. That's why I took a pause from the podcast, to re-evaluate, to reset and recalibrate. To wait for the sign to start again.
Out of necessity for my sanity, I now have a system to contain all the ideas. I use my human design strategy and inner authority to make aligned decisions that are going to help us all and not exhaust me.
I have added a second check, I turn to my card decks. I asked the question to my higher self/universe/divinity within all of us last night...
"Is it the right time to start the podcast again?"
The answers were clear. I get asked about how to read cards a lot so I thought an explanation of how these cards answered my questions, might be helpful.
The cards I got were the
CARD ONE: The Fool from the Muse Tarot - Chris Anne
This card represents for me the go for it, take a leap of faith, start afresh, trust, yes energy. I also touch the cards and see what images or messages I get before I read the face of them, with this, I felt chaos, I felt that organisation was needed. This is how I was feeling before I took charge of all the ideas! Before I started managing the flow of energy through my body at a deeper level due to my knowledge of my design.
So for this, it is a yes, but treat it as something new. Reorganise, make it work for who I am now. Since I did the last episode of season 2 I have changed dramatically, so it makes sense that a podcast I started years ago, will be ready for change.
CARD TWO: 6 of Cups from the Light Seers Tarot - Chris Anne
This card is about reconnecting with people from the past, it is a card of harmony, it is about our future selves too. It is a card of loving the first 2 seasons of the podcast, but being open to creating season 3 from my future self version. It is a sign to help my listeners step into their future version of themselves, with the tools I use now.
CARD THREE: Aine from the Goddess Power Oracle - Colette Baron Reid
This card was all about being adaptable, it illuminated to me that with the past seasons after the initial 10 episodes which were scary AF, I was in my comfort zone. There is so much more that I want to say and teach. This card talks about more, juicier, fuller, more creative content, with a deeper meaning, time to go into un chartered territory for me.
These cards really helped, it was a yes, but with slightly different content, going deeper, putting it all in there and creating from who I am now, not what I did in the past 2 seasons. I am down with that, I love change!!!!
Life is never ending change if we let go a little, I embody this and so it is natural that my podcast was feeling a little out of synch with the vibration that I am holding now.
Recently, I am craving writing more. After a session with my coach, I realised that I was applying the all or nothing, more is more, post ,write, podcast every week, be consistent, I am all in mentality. This works at some stages in my life and not in others. So I am taking a more flexible approach to it all, the energy of the Fool, flowing, open to the newness with each step, my energy needs freedom to flow more at the moment. So I will podcast 1-2 times a month, and write whenever I feel the urge, the rules are, there are no rules! I was trying to contain myself.
I wish, as I give you an inside glimpse into my mind, and how I work, as I show you this, it gives you permission too. We can create our own rules that can stifle our creativity, it can stifle expressing the messages that our audience, friends and family really need to hear.
I'd love to know how this resonates with you.
I am so looking forward to reconnecting again via more blogs and podcasts, with a more relaxed feel and way of expression.
Sending love K xxx
PS: If you would like to learn more about Human Design, I have a free masterclass you can access, click here and enter your details, or if you know you just want a reading, all the details are on the same page.
PPS: Until the end of August 2022, I am offering 15% off all card readings, you can access them here and the code to activate your discount at checkout is SUMMER
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