Why Your Authenticity in Business Isn't Just About Being Real

Jan 19, 2025

When a post claiming "authenticity isn't your highest frequency" appeared in my feed the other day, my entire being - guides, body, and soul - resonated with a clear "no." As a shamanic business mentor for over 21 years, I have witnessed something profound in the energy field of visionary leaders: what most call authenticity barely scratches the surface of your true power.

Let me show you what my guides revealed...

Think of your emotions, your fears, your doubts - even your certainty - like weather patterns. They come, they go. This is what most people call being "authentic" in business - sharing these weather patterns transparently.

But here's what I see in the energy field of visionary leaders: beneath these weather patterns lies an unchanging sky - your soul's truth. Your dharma. The very reason you incarnated at this time.

This is where real authenticity lives.

When you are connected to this level of truth 

🔥business decisions flow naturally

🔥marketing feels aligned

🔥your offers emerge from your soul's wisdom rather than industry formulas

Just yesterday, I witnessed this transformation in a client session. She had been following all the "authentic business" advice - sharing her journey, being vulnerable, staying consistent. But something felt off.

As we tapped into her energy field and Human Design, the truth emerged: she wasn't here to build the type of business her coach suggested. Her soul was calling her to create community, to pioneer a new way. The moment she remembered this truth, her entire energy shifted.

That's the power of real authenticity - not just sharing your human experience, but remembering and embodying your soul's purpose.

This is especially crucial now, as we navigate business in an increasingly AI-driven world. Your weather patterns - your human experiences - can be replicated. But your soul's unique frequency? That's irreplaceable.

Your authenticity isn't about perfecting your emotional state or mastering vulnerability. It's about remembering who you truly are at soul level and letting that remembrance guide your business evolution.

Ready to explore this deeper? Listen to the latest episode of Come Sit Around the Fire where I share more about this profound truth and how to access it in your business.


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