Are you open to growth, to learning, to being taught?

coaching healing life coaching Jul 16, 2021
coaching, self development, growth mindest

Being open to growth is vital in every aspect of our lives, if we aren’t open to growth in any area then we become stagnant and stuck. Whether you are a stay-at-home mum or a business owner, regardless of your work life, this applies to us all. Being open and willing to learn, being coachable and having the attitude and ability to learn and evolve is vital for developing ourselves and moving forward In life.

Being open to growth and learning is one of my superpowers, you could say that I am addicted to learning and evolving. I am coachable. I have the attitude and the willingness to learn. Mindset is key.

My business life has changed dramatically since being coached, along with my confidence which has grown tenfold, I love being coached. And, in turn, I love coaching.

I love coaching with a passion, and I think that it is very important to have a coach that you resonate with, your vibe on the same level and work smoothly together.

The lens of perception is built through the ego, life experience and our environment. This means that everyone’s perception is completely different, and it is amazing how two people can see something so differently. It is so helpful to have another opinion on a matter, bounce ideas off each other, receive constructive criticism and have some experienced guidance when it comes to growing your business.

Having a coach gives you access to all these benefits, and it can give you the push you needed to grow your business. When I first met my coach, I got the tingles when we spoke, I resonated with her, and it felt right. You will know when you have found the right coach, you don’t feel judged, you feel seen and heard, you feel safe.

A coach really allows me to discover what I really think.  What is the truth? Quite often our experiences and mindset set can get very locked, in that state,  we can't see the truth and our perception becomes skewed. To be coachable in any aspect of life, It is all about being humble and open to growth, you need humility to grow.

This lens of perception that you have is built on life experiences and thus is very open to change. As challenging as it is, and this is something I’m still working on myself, try and make sure your opinions are not fixed and you are open to hearing other ideas.

Sometimes, being fixed in your lens of perception is a trauma response, our brain doesn’t want us to grow, it wants us to remain in our safe space, our comfort zone. Having a coach allows our perception to bloom and our minds to flourish, and this ripples out to all aspects of life.

It is vital to have an open-heart space, we need to create a sense of trust and being able to feel supported which comes down to having to soften in order to heal, and to become vulnerable. When you soften and heal, allow yourself to become vulnerable and open to growth, this is when you become coachable. Ready to learn and evolve.

It is important to remember, if you want to heal and grow, but you think that you have all the answers, you are saying that there's no space for anybody else's wisdom. If you listen to others and are open to understanding, then you can access so many different forms of wisdom, and your growth becomes limitless.

Do you want to grow? Do you want to heal? Can you open your lens of perception? Once you open your mind, your growth becomes limitless.

Sending love,



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