What you wish you knew 10 years ago.

future self guided meditation heal journal reflect yin yoga Jan 08, 2021
self care, reflection, self compassion, heal, journal, blog, yoga, meditation, guided visualisation

If you were a time traveller (you are according to quantum physics!) and you had the chance to write a short letter to yourself 10 years ago, what would you want her/him to know. - I came across this as a journal prompt recently. 

What do you REALLY wish that you had known?

It could be something big, something you wish you had watched out for, or appreciated more, or it could be something like - your bum looked gorgeous in that dress, you should have worn it more often. 

It is very powerful to reflect, to see how the things that bothered us then, don’t anymore. We can see our growth, our healing. 

We can also see where we are still getting stuck in limited mindset and beliefs. By looking back, we might shine a light on areas where we can let go and find a bit more freedom.

You might want to listen to Episode 12 of the SLOW DOWN Live Deeply Podcast before going any further, I talk about my experience of going through this exercise and there is a guided visualisation to prepare you and inspire the thoughts before you, grab a cuppa, a pen and some paper or your journal, sit with yourself and see what appears….

Here is the Apple Podcast link, if you don't use apple there is another link further below. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/slow-down-live-deeply/id1545826431

This photo is from 10 years ago.

Get still, have some quiet, if you use essential oils, maybe apply some Balance blend to the soles of your feet and apply some Lavender to your throat chakra.

Then write....

‘Dear Me in (YEAR), 

I am sitting here in the (YEAR), and there are some things that I would really love you to know, I think it would help….”

You deserve to heal, to let go, to have more joy, to step into your power. 

If you feel brave, share with me, what do you wish you had known 10 years ago?

Here are my top 3 (I am keeping my full list to myself),  it's long, it’s sad,  joyful, bittersweet and humbling. I go into a lot more detail in the podcast, as I was speaking there was so much more that came out!!! I didn't know that it was all in there! That's the thing, we don't always know what is there, until we shine that light. Illuminate and then it can move. 

  1. You are not going to die. I know the future looks so uncertain for you. I know how scared you are. I know that you don’t want to leave your family, your kids early. You won’t. You have things to do in this World, chase joy, chase softness, take responsibility for yourself. You got this. The Universe has got you.
  2. LIVING is a conscious choice you can make every day. Start now, choose to LIVE. 
  3. Your beauty is in your heart, your soul, your quirks, your eyes, your differences to everyone else. Be you. That is where beauty is, stand tall. It isn’t in the size of your bum, your waist. You are beautiful. Believe it, see it, no more comparison. 

Looking back I see how much I have grown. I feel so much compassion for me all the way back there when I was only a few years out of my first encounter with breast cancer. (I was blessed with two encounters). I see how much I was suffering, how much fear was in my life and I don’t want to feel like that again. 

I also want to do everything I can do, to help others not feel like that too. By sharing. 

I am so passionate about teaching compassion for ourselves, for others, to work on moving with fear, not stopping because of it, to find our own power and chase the joy to LIVE DEEPLY. 

Wow all that from a question! 

Do the work, ask yourself and heal a little deeper, or look at the programs that I offer the YOU ARE ENOUGH (click in the sidebar) is amazing for this kind of inner work, it gives so mich transformation. 

Sending so so much love, be gentle with yourself, no judgment. Karen x

PS: I forgot to write to myself that the red hair dye would take a long long time to get out! And it would go all wonderful shades of red and orange on it's way out! 


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