6 steps for a beautiful new moon ritual

essential oils journal new moon ritual Mar 13, 2021
new moon intention manifesting yoga meditation

6 steps for a beautiful new moon ritual.

I love the new moon, it is a time when we can wipe the slate clean energetically. When we are free to discover all of our hearts desires, our goals, our wishes. It is a time of manifesting.

I like to think of the new moon like the start of a new day, when we can set our intentions for the day ahead. In this case, we can set our intentions for the month ahead. 

In the full moon previously, there are rituals which I will share next full moon, to aid us to let go of anything heavy, anything that doesn't serve us, to cleanse our energetic system. So that the heart can be clear and aligned to love.

When the new moon comes, we can then manifest, from a place of love.  

The full moon is important as we have to let go and make space so that the good stuff can come in.

If this is all new to you and you haven't done a new moon ritual , it is okay, you can still do the new moon ritual that I have created either the night of, before or after the new moon.

In this ritual that I have created, I have built in some cleansing and energetic steps so that you will have space and be heart aligned energetically.

1. Light a candle. Just make sure that the candle is soy based wax, non toxic and fragranced with natural sources, not perfume, fragrance or param, they are damaging to us. I use the candles made by the amazing https://spiritjunkiegoddess.com they are very special, perfect for a ritual. 

Make sure that you can have some peace and quiet and spend the net few moment just gently breathing and staring at the candle. 

2. Cleanse your aura and space with white sage. It is very cleansing energetically. Cleanse your space and your aura, then open the windows and let the smoke drift out. 

Don't worry too much if you don't have some, this is a ritual that I use as part of the lineage of my energy work.

3. Swipe tea tree over your wrist creases and rose over your heart space. Please note that the only essential oils that I will advocate for are doTERRA due to their purity, ethical sourcing and humanitarian foundation as a company. 

I swipe diluted Tea Tree over my wrist creases to move the chi/prana/energy in the meridians/nadis of the body, to cleanse, to help let go and reduce stagnation in the energetic system. 

I then hold diluted Rose essential oil over my heart space, and hold for a few minutes on CV17 acupressure point with a light touch, to align the heart energy and soften the heart space.

I get people access to wholesale priced doTERRA oils and mentor in the use of them, please contact me if you would like to learn more or visit this page for a free emotional and essential oil masterclass and 2 free e-books. CLICK ON THE OIL IMAGE IN THE SIDEBAR

4. Sit quietly, slow your breath and put your hands on your heart. Sit with a tall spine, slow and soften the breath, and place your hands on your heart, to soothe the nervous system and draw your attention to your heart chakra. When we have an aligned heart centre, the energy can travel freely to our hands, which are an expression of the heart. 

5. Write down all your goals and desires. No limits, write down all that you wish with no judgements, limits, just let it all flow out, material, health, joy, let it all flow. No-one else will see it, this is just for you. 

6. Go outside with the new moon, send up all the wishes that you have. TRUST. Gaze at the moon, send all that you have written upwards to the universe, say it aloud, in your head or as a whisper. 

Say thank you, and gently bring your awareness back to the rest of your evening. 

I hope you enjoyed this ritual, I would love to know. 

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Sending love K xxx

PS: If you love working with the moon, I teach monthly lunar practises in my UNBOUND Membership (link in the sidebar)

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